When a victor emerges, bloodied but triumphant, he will cut a grisly trophy from his foe, claiming both his vanquished enemy's weapons and followers as his own. When two Champions of Chaos clash, they duel to the death in the manner of gladiators, using the full force of every weapon at their disposal. They frequently seek out others of their kind to engage in ritual combat.
Their infamy shines bright as they capture the notice of the Dark Gods of Chaos with ever-greater feats of slaughter. The history of many Exalted Heroes, recorded in scattered chronicles by the free people of the Old World, is a catalogue of woes and evil deeds. These ruthless killers are known as Exalted Heroes. Some ascend to command entire nations, some pursue the esoteric paths of the arcane, but the majority dedicate themselves to little more than the brutal butchery of all who stand in their way. Each is a paragon of deadly ability and lethal intent. The frozen north spawns some of the hardiest warriors in all the world.